haunting and haunted

by gwen prince

i am eclipsed by memory

drenched in instances of you

walking through hallowed halls

both haunting and haunted 

lines of headstones

as if they are memories

all long since passed

our moments, buried 

marble and granite and limestone 

each cool to the touch

as if time has given them

license to weather

my life force lingers

in moments and memories

scattered across so many years

that it has made every trace of you

unable to be untangled 

from all parts of me 

i dream of eventualities 

and wake pleading with ghosts

who throw taunts

when all i ask for is mercy

mercy is a mirage

absent from every montage

of you that replays in my mind

an inescapable loop

in every timeline

in another life perhaps

i haunt you

as you haunt me

Bossier Mag